Account registration

Company Details
Your Details
Supporting Documents
Application Submitted
Step 1/4

Your Company Details

indicates a required field

Let’s get started with your Auction4Cars registration. Progressing through our simple steps, please provide the required company and personal information including supporting trade documentation. To begin, please enter your company details below.

VAT number should consist of the letters 'GB' followed by nine numbers
Step 2/4

Your Personal Details

indicates a required field

Next, enter your personal details below. Please note, each user must have a unique username and email address.

Step 3/4

Supporting Documents

indicates a required field

Evidence of each document below is required in order for our Customer Service team to verify that you’re an established trader.

Upload must be in .jpeg, .jpg, .png or .pdf format. Maximum file size is 12MB.

Picture must clearly be visible
All details within certificate must be visible
Please ensure this is your certificate and not just an image of your trade plates
Invoice must be a vehicle purchase within last 3 months
Step 4/4

Application Submitted

Thanks for submitting your registration application! 

You'll soon be receiving an email to confirm your registration submission. A member of our Customer Service team will now review your account application.

We will be in touch within 2 working days, please look out for an email from

Free, quick and simple registration…

Once you’re registered, you will have access to the following benefits: 

  • Choice - 100's of live auctions each week 
  • Trade only - accurately appraised vehicles with transport and funding options 
  • Low buying fees - fixed and up to 4x lower than competitors

For more information, check out our FAQs or get in touch with our Customer Service team via our Contact form