Research by Accident Exchange suggests many dealers missed out on up to £38,000 during the last nine months by not investing in accident aftercare training for new receptionists.

This figure is based on an average of 18 accidents per dealer multiplied by the average repair cost of £2,117.

Of 28 dealers surveyed by Accident Exchange in May 2013, 41% had appointed new front of showroom receptionists since last September.

16.7% admitted that accident aftercare was not part of the induction and process training within the first month of employment.
Liz Fisher, sales development director at Accident Exchange, commented: “The average dealer receives 16-18 calls a month from customers involved in accidents of all sizes – from car park scrapes to roundabout bumps.

“How receptionists deal with that first call can determine a whole chain of events, resulting in either retaining or losing the repair business – it is an essential function, which generates valuable revenue.”