Website micro-sites could be an answer to the consumer’s desire for a slick, easy, tailored experience from franchised dealers.

Autoweb Design has found that dovetailing digital marketing campaigns with tailored micro-sites, which take the user on a specific path, can boost the likelihood of a conversion from browser to enquirer.

Its operations director Martin Dew will outline its findings to delegates at the AM Digitech 2018 conference on April 17.

Dew explained: “The website and digital marketing strategy has to be looked at holistically if it is to deliver at the level that’s required for today’s consumer who is used to sophisticated interactions with other retail sectors.”

Although franchised dealer websites have evolved over the past decade, many remain formulaic and traditional.

AM Digitech book nowDew said: “As an industry we have almost invented our own web template which to an extent has been useful but it has narrowed the thinking of the sector.

"Dealer groups can be reluctant to move away from what they know and implement a new approach. There are dealers who have dared to be different and are adopting quite radical web ideas.”

He said there are user experience trends which should be applied and whilst most dealer websites incorporate some, it is unusual to find them all at work. For example, motion design rather than having a static page, so elements interact, is popular with consumers because it gives the website movement.

Dealers also need to incorporate personalisation in their web delivery based on the online behaviour of the consumer so they see the most relevant information which is more likely to deliver a result.

“It’s important for digital audiences to be segmented and those audiences can be directed to targeted web pages to increase the chances of consumers taking the action desired.

“Everything needs to be measured so campaigns can be tweaked to maximise response. Whatever dealers do digitally, it needs to get visitors to that particular asset and to encourage them to take action. You want to take them on a journey such as from the website page to test drive and eventually a sale.”

A limited number of tickets are still available for AM Digitech 2018, on April 17 at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel in Milton Keynes. For more information, visit the website or call 01733 395133.