Suzuki GB car sales boss Dale Wyatt has revealed he is taking leave from his post to care for his wife, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The long-serving carmaker executive posted on LinkedIn on Friday that he was "stepping back from one of the things I love to do most to take care of the person I love most."

Wyatt, who has often told AM how he sees the relationship between his franchised dealers and Suzuki GB as one big family, has the full support of the carmaker to put his family first.

"I have taken the decision to temporarily step away from my day to day role to ensure that she has the best care, physical and emotional support that I can provide her at this difficult time," he added.

He will remain in contact with the business and will be on hand to provide strategic support as required.

"I am grateful for the way that the Suzuki family has come together to support me and enable this temporary leave," he said.

"I look forward to returning to the job I love in the near future."

With his LinkedIn post he cited a Walt Disney quote: "A man should never neglect his family for business."

Wyatt was a guest of the AM News Show podcast this summer when he warned that the "back-slapping and celebrating" of 2021 profits by some in the industry who'd simply been lifted by the market needed to stop, and he'd urged Suzuki franchisees to build a plan now that prepared them for an economic downturn.