Independent dealers have been flocking to online sales platforms in the last three weeks since the Coronavirus lockdown began, according to ClickDealer.

The DMS provider said that more than 500 dealers have joined its ClickEngage platform in the last three weeks.

The uplift follows ClickDealer's offer of a three-month free trial of ClickEngage for any dealer at the start of the COVID-19 coronavirus lockdown.

It enables consumers to build a deal and buy the vehicle online with part exchange appraisal, add on products, and finance all done remotely.

Ollie Moxham (pictured), CEO of ClickDealer, said: “Motorists are researching their next car purchase, and dealers need to respond to those enquiries to ensure they are well placed to hit the ground running when lockdown ends.

"The ClickEngage platform enables the entire process, from part exchange appraisal to finance agreement, to be undertaken online. Dealers can then arrange handover when lockdown ends.”

The family-owned business also announced it is not charging for its Web and DMS services for the duration of lockdown in April and is committed to keeping these services live.

Recent research by AM showed that less than half of UK car retailers are equipped to complete contactless online car sales despite the renewed focus on digital marketing brought by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.

Moxham added: “The lockdown period could see a sea-change in attitudes to online selling by UK dealers, who are now operating in an increasingly disrupted environment.

"Now is the time to review operating models, unlock efficiencies, and implement new ways to retail in a digital, multi-channel environment.”