Ford pre-registered more cars than any other manufacturer in January. The company registered a total of 344 units in an industry total of 612 units.

Industry pre-registrations in October totalled 412 (Ford 144). The total rose to 599 (Ford 356) in November and in December 1,100 units were pre-registered (Ford 322).

The Supply of New Cars Order 2000 requires motor manufacturers to publish the number of pre-registered cars supplied and the gross income received by suppliers from selling those pre-registered cars. This information is published on a monthly basis.

January pre-registrations:

BMW - 5
Citroen - 17
Ford - 344
Honda - 3
Hyundai - 5
Mercedes - 2
Peugeot - 77
Toyota- 5
Vauxhall 123
Volvo - 31

  • Gross revenue of the January pre-registrations is £5,092,805.77.