Van manufacturer LDV has joined the debate on the future shape of Block Exemption. Chief executive Allan Amey has warned that a break up of the existing franchise system will not mean greater consumer benefits, calling this belief a “misconception”.

Mr Amey said: “Prices are already falling fast under the present system and a proliferation of unregulated sellers and repairers could spell disaster for safety as well as affordable quality standards.”

He stressed that customer safety must also play a critical part in future legislation. “While we are very much in favour of a more open European market, safety must remain a priority in our industry and any new legislation should take into consideration smaller repairers and garages, who many customers rely on, for both convenience as well as good service.”

Mr Amey added that he hoped the analysis by Arthur Anderson Business Consulting, commissioned by the EC, on the current market conditions, differentiates between car and commerical markets and that there will be separate legislation for the two sectors.

LDV has 90 main dealers and 70 service outlets.