The RMI has argued today that the on-going reduction in the number of bodyshop outlets could be “advantageous” for those who remain in the industry. Fewer bodyshops could strengthen the sector's hand in its relationship with its insurer work-providers.

Says RMI bodyshop director Bob Hood: “Traditionally, the sector has been beholden to the whim of some insurers, but with a smaller set of professional bodyshops prepared to undertake 'approved' contracts, bodyshops could see their position becoming stronger.”

Recent reports suggest that the number of UK bodyshops has shrunk to fewer than 5,000 from an estimated 12,000 in 1992.

Hood has thrown down the gauntlet to insurers. “Now is the time for those insurers who have traditionally avoided dialogue to discuss true partnership arrangements with their bodyshop networks through the RMI. Customers will only benefit in the future if bodyshops and insurers work closely together.”