Small firms working in Britain’s automotive business could hold the answers to skills training, according to the Automotive Academy.

A major workshop, which aims to draw up "battle plans" to combat gaps in Britain’s existing training programmes for the automotive sector is to be held in the Midlands.

Alan Begg, chief executive of the Automotive Academy, says: "Small and medium sized companies could hold many of the answers we are looking for and I would urge for them to join us to help.

"Everyone in the industry knows about the shortage of finding people with the right skills for the job.

"We are still in our building and learning stage. That’s why I want people who are in the industry to give us their experience and help us. We can’t get all the answers alone, we need companies to give us the benefit of their experience and that’s where smaller firms can really help.

"Everyone will benefit, including future generations, if we can crack this now. I am asking firms to be very frank and open with us at the workshop so they can directly help us draw up a national curriculum of training courses."

The one-day Automotive Academy workshop will be held at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole Hotel on September 21. SEMTA, the Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, is also taking part.

A key part of the day will be seven break-out groups who will be asked to look at individual training topics.

The workshop is free to all delegates. Firms wishing to send representatives should contact the Automotive Academy on 0121 717 6655 or by e-mail: