Drivers of older Ford models looking for new car parts can now visit the newly opened National Clearance Centre facility in Amesbury, Wiltshire.

Owned and operated by Salisbury-based Foray Motor Group, the public launch of the National Clearance Centre follows a two-year pilot scheme. Ford says it has “a share in the proceeds”.

Stock, which was previously pooled from ex-dealer parts, is now sourced from Ford’s European parts distribution centres in Daventry, Northamptonshire and Cologne, Germany.

So far 50 articulated lorry loads of stock have been delivered to the site, with a further 120 loads required to clear the backlog, according to Howard Jenkins, Foray parts director.

The combined space of the showroom and warehouse is around 36,000 sq ft, with all stock available for sale within 24 hours. Foray plans to hold events for car clubs and associations, as well as tours of the site and use of an 80-person conference facility.

Jenkins says: “The showroom now gives us the ability to show product availability and interact with customers.”

It is envisaged that the company’s website, which currently attracts 30,000 hits a day and helped win Foray the 2005 AM Awards e-commerce category, will still generate the majority of retail business.