AM Financial Management Conference
November 14, 2006, Ricoh Arena, Coventry

To be successful today, everyone in the senior management team needs to have some knowledge of financial management techniques, even if they don’t need to be experts.

Speaking at the AM Financial Management Conference, John Genge, the MD of Trend Tracker, will highlight three golden rules of financial competency for operational executives, plus a set of strategic healthchecks and KPIs to help delegates measure the success of their businesses accurately.

Sponsored by Grant Thornton, the conference will help finance directors, financial controllers and dealership accountants to increase their understanding of the industry and fine-tune their strategies for success. It will also help dealer principals, MDs and group divisional directors to broaden their understanding of the financial side of the business.

It takes place at Coventry City FC’s new Ricoh Arena, on Tuesday November 14, and is chaired by Vivien Creegor, a well-respected business journalist and the anchor on Sky TV’s World Sky News programme.

For more information, contact Julie Ainley on 01733 468 337 or Or, see the website and book online at