Fin O’Neill will chair the new Reynolds and Reynolds Company, following the merger with UCS.

O’Neill stressed that existing customers of both companies would not be forced to change any of their business software.

“We’ll offer the choice of the UCS Power software and the Reynolds ERA software as part of the core ReynoldSystem.

“As the two companies come together, there will be no disruption of service. Customers have my word that their investments will be protected, regardless of their platform. Both the ERA and Power systems will be sold, installed, supported and enhanced for decades to come for the hundreds of thousands of dealership employees who rely on them,” O’Neill said.

Reynolds and UCS announced an agreement on August 8 to merge. The transaction is subject to approval by Reynolds shareholders and regulatory clearances.

The combined company will be named the Reynolds and Reynolds Company, with the products and services of both Reynolds and UCS marketed under the Reynolds brand. The UCS brand will be discontinued. Reynolds will continue to have headquarters and principal operations in Ohio, USA.

Reynolds expects to schedule a special meeting of its shareholders during the fourth quarter of this year to vote on the transaction.