Name: Simon Tennyson
Company: AA Warranty
Job: Managing director
Age: 42

How did you get in to the automotive business?
I worked in the insurance sector and brought motor insurance distribution into dealerships. I felt that the key drivers for insurance would identify with the warranty market.

What does your job entail?
My prime responsibility is to deliver excellent client value and customer service.

How will your job change over the next few years?
We are the largest provider in our sector, yet we are still growing rapidly, so I need to focus on this and maintaining quality. Regulation is set to become more onerous and my team is focused on this.

Previous jobs?
CIS, Heath Lambert, Axa – and I’m a director of other businesses, including Car Crash Line and The Trading Floor.

What advice would you give to people planning to join the industry?
Think carefully and join with your eyes wide open. It can be tough but the rewards can be excellent.

Worst career move?
Probably staying in jobs too long.

And the best?
As above.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
Hopefully healthy and with a happy family. If I can make a few quid along the way – great!

Favourite book
Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer.

Favourite holiday
Anywhere so long as it’s warm!

Favourite film

Favourite music
Queen, Meat Loaf, Billy Joel.

First car
Fiesta XR2.

Dream car
My Jag Mk2 3.8 MOD.

Luxury item