The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have recently published guidance on how to manage the delivery of Health and Safety in the workplace.

With the issues of Corporate Manslaughter on Proprietors and Directors minds the guidance is very useful to motivate business bosses in the Health and Safety field.

The key message for the delivery of Health and Safety is a 4-step process.

1. Plan
2. Deliver
3. Monitor
4. Review

It is the classic recipe for any system of precautions/due diligence whether in this sector or any other trading standards field.

As a leader HSE see the following principles

From the top:

  • visible and active commitment from the top. If the workforce don’t see the bosses committed to a policy then complacency sets in.
  • downward communication in an effective way
  • when making business decisions think of Health and Safety management and integrate it. So when buying new equipment keep your Health and Safety requirements in mind

    At worker level:

  • engage the workforce in decisions
  • upward communications in an effective way
  • training


  • risk management. HSE make the point that business do not need to waste time on trivia and unnecessary paperwork.
  • take advice
  • monitor, report, review

    If you haven’t subscribed to it yet Lawgistics recommends you contact us to start our Health and Safety Programme for a very competitive fee.

    Visit or call 0870 26 77 118 for more information.