How important to you is TCF?
A Very – it is key to moving business forward.
B Quite – the FSA focus on it so it must be important.
C It’s something you’ve heard about, but need to find out more.

How well do the people in your business understand TCF?
A Very well, all training is complete.
B Quite well, issues are discussed during meetings.
C Not really, only the management team deals with FSA Issues.

When a customer buys a vehicle, how do you know that the right insurance products are offered?
A Every product is offered to every customer to decide.
B Deals are stacked with the products included, the customer will see this on the invoice.
C The sales person will decide which products to talk about.

If a customer wants to complain about their treatment, how would they be advised?
A Your in-house complaints procedure would be followed for all customer complaints.
B The sales person would pass the customer’s details to the sales manager to decide what to do.
C The customer would be asked to put the complaint in writing.

How do you know that your insurance products are right
for your market?

A Your insurance provider helps with market research and
evidencing that your products
treat customers fairly.
B It’s what every other dealer group in your area sells, so it must be right.
C Your profit and performance with insurance products is good so customers like it.

How do you ensure that your customers understand the insurance they have bought,
and that they are able to make a claim?

A You work with your insurance provider monitoring the ICOB process and claims data.
B You’ve had no complaints so your customers are happy.
C You have a sales process that involves talking about insurance products in detail and the customer can read the paperwork.

How can you ensure that suitable advice is given to your customers and takes account of their circumstances?
A Via a sales process system and general insurance testing provided by your insurance provider.
B The sales team is trained to a very high standard and you are confident customers are informed.
C Mystery shops to ensure customers are treated appropriately.

How does your dealership monitor any trends for complaints about the way your customers are dealt with when buying insurance?
A By analysing complaints reports from your insurance provider.
B Complaints are discussed at management and sales meetings in case any complaints re-occur.
C Your dealership doesn’t receive any customer complaints.

Do you have a paperwork system that archives records for audits?
A Yes, you use a robust sales process system that personalises documents to the customer which you can view at any point.
B The admin department keep some of the paperwork in the deal file in case you need it again.
C You have a system but it is complicated and not everyone knows how to use it so you use

Do you have a complaints system to record and analyse them?
A Yes, a system is provided by your insurance provider.
B No, you don’t feel it is necessary as you file all customer complaints.
C Complaints are recorded on the customer database so you know not to contact them again.

Do you feel your insurance provider looks after your customers?
A Yes, you work together with your insurance provider as a partner.
B Yes, they tell you they do.
C No. It’s is your responsibility to look after your customers.

Is your management information clear to all levels of your team?
A Yes
B No
C It is clear to you and you go through it with your management team.

Do your TCF reports show you the cancellation rate on your insurance products?
A Yes, this is something you monitor with the management team to spot training needs.
B You don’t have any TCF reporting that you are aware of.
C You have some reports but need to plan time to go through the data.

Does your insurance provider constantly review your products to ensure they are compliant and treat customers fairly?
A Yes, your insurance provider is Mapfre Abraxas who helps you with all FSA and TCF issues
B Yes, you think so
C No