Sean Bowditch (37), Network Development Manager, Epyx.

How did you get into the automotive business?
I started out by joining fleet software specialist Car Fleet Control – now CFC Solutions – as part of a telemarketing team that sold entry level fleet software to SMEs.

What does your job entail?
All of my efforts are geared to working with AM100 dealers, all of which are Epyx clients.

How will your job change over the next few years?
I see the sector adopting smarter, leaner strategies, with Epyx supplying more of the technology to make this happen. Communicating the benefits of our technology and how it will make a direct contribution to the automotive sector will be my remit.

What advice would you give to people planning to join the industry?
The best advice I ever received was “always appear keen and useful”. If your colleagues perceive you as resourceful then they will look to you for assistance.

What’s the worst career move you’ve ever made?
The automotive industry has been good to me, so I guess not joining it sooner.

And the best?
Joining Epyx. Awareness and acceptance of e-trading was just emerging, so it was clearly a challenge to introduce a new concept to the market.

Favourite book?
Any autobiography from business leaders will do.

Favourite holiday?

Favourite film?
Carlito’s Way.

Favourite music?
Funk and soul.

First car?
Vauxhall Cavalier.

Dream car?
Porsche 911.

Luxury item?
My collection of vinyl records.