The latest Astra is hardly a thing of beauty and dealers report private new sales can be stimulated only by substantial discounting. But the new model has already had a negative effect on the fragile values of the seriously oversupplied old-shape cars.

Merit 1.4 and LS versions are particularly weak residually. We were offered a number of low mileage 98R LS five-doors in plain colours for £7,000 apiece. I reckon these are fantastic value for retail and any used dealer worth the name should be able to move these on for £7,995.

The Citroën ZX is another prime example of a model getting so cheap private punters and traders cannot afford to ignore it for much longer. Retail dealers in some areas are reporting fresh interest in the best 1.4-litre and TD ZX five-doors and estates. We saw a nice, red TD SX five-door on 97R with 12k go under the hammer in the north-west for £7,850 last week.