In its inaugural year, delegates attending autoretailing05 believed the event was worthwhile – and they plan to attend this year’s convention.

AM and the RMI, which jointly put on autoretailing, together with headline sponsor Experian, are now working on the 2006 convention. They say this year’s two-day event will be bigger and better.

Among the names already confirmed for Day 1 are HR Owen chief executive Nick Lancaster and Blue Bell BMW chief executive Sue Brownson, who is a former president of the RMI. Delegates will also hear from a Government minister and a special guest speaker from the USA.

Key topics will cover selling more cars today and tomorrow and retaining and attracting more customers.

On Day 2, the one-hour seminars will be divided between three learning tracks: general management, car sales and aftersales. Expert speakers will provide essential advice to help retailers improve their business profitability.

This will include some 'quick wins' that they can take away and apply to their own businesses, as well as a number of longer-term planning issues.

Testimonials – why autoretailing is important

It was worth attending just to hear the inspirational talks by Roger Penske and Sahar Hashemi. This new conference will be the first of many.
Huw Edwards, BBC news reporter/TV presenter

autoretailing is an excellent platform to debate key issues and best practice. We need all dealers to participate so the industry speaks with one voice.
Matthew Carrington RMI chief executive

autoretailing05 brought together a sparkling array of speakers with differing perspectives on car retail. They informed, challenged and inspired.
Andrew Harting HWM Aston Martin

If properly supported, this event could become the UK’s NADA. Dealers should attend to hear the interesting views, and so they are not left behind.
Clive Sutton Premier Marques

  • For further details or to book your place, contact Luke Clements on 01733 468325 or email #AM_ART_SPLIT# How would you rate autoretailing05 overall?

    The majority of retailers rated the conference above average or excellent. Typical comments included: “A superb line-up of inspirational and informative industry leaders”, “enjoyed the comparison on franchise performance”, “conference provided a chance to think about the business in the context of others’ experiences and to endorse our own actions and strategy”.

    Have you achieved your objectives?

    Almost all delegates felt they achieved their objectives. Those objectives included: hear new ideas, personal development, to be inspired, to network with like-minded peers, to get a strategic insight into the future of automotive retail, and to listen to top quality speakers. Both the Day 1 conference and Day 2 seminars attracted positive comment from dealer delegates.

    Would you attend the autoretailing05 next time?

    A resounding thumbs up for last year’s conference with no respondents saying they would not attend autoretailing06. For the dealers, 18 said they will definitely attend, while the concerns of the four who ticked ‘not sure’ are being addressed by improving the format of Day 2 at the conference, focusing seminars on three ‘tracks’: general management, car sales and aftersales.

    Do you feel as though you have got value for money?

    The vast majority of the target audience – franchised dealers – felt they received value for money at autoretailing05. Despite this, AM and the RMI have revised the pricing structure to make it more transparent and simpler for delegates to cost out. A two-day ticket will now be transferable between members of staff, e.g. chief executive attending Day 1, his finance director on Day 2.

  • For further details or to book your place, contact Luke Clements on 01733 468325 or email