By William Holden, chairman, Sewells Training and Consultancy

There’s only one thing that will create an instant turnaround and that’s your people – or rather, your people’s performance.

The old adage of “businesses don’t succeed, people do” has never been truer.

Your people are probably working harder than they’ve ever done. But there’s something missing, that little extra that makes all the difference.

That little extra that turns ordinary people into extraordinary performers.

All your teams have potential they are not currently using, it’s called discretionary potential.

Learning how to release this discretionary potential creates instant turnarounds.

Your people intentionally (or unintentionally) regulate the passion, energy and creativity they put into their jobs dependent on a number of factors.

The biggest factor is the way they feel they’re being treated.

If your people feel they’re being treated well, honestly and fairly – and they’ve got clear direction – they’ll be unstoppable.

If your people feel they’re unappreciated and important issues are being hidden from them, they’ll pull back and only do “just enough”.

If your people feel they’re being abused, they’ll find clever and costly ways to get back at the boss and the organisation.

Here are three secrets you need:

  • Turn work into an inspiring adventure. We’re not talking here about the usual ‘boring’ mission or vision. Be bold! Create a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) that stirs the soul.
  • Focus your attention as much on the people as on the performance numbers.
  • Motivate with trust instead of fear.

Letting your people know you trust them is like sunshine is to flowers. They will blossom in an instant!
Don’t take any chances on how 2012 will turn out for you – start your instant turnaround today.