The Karl Vella Group’s entire network is now PAS 125 Kitemark approved.

The bodyshops in Preston, Southport, Skelmersdale and Blackburn were recommended before Christmas but due to the holiday period, confirmation and certificates were not issued until mid January.

The Karl Vella Group has been represented on the Thatcham BSI Kitemark (PAS125) steering committee and began preparations for the Kitemark approval in April 2007.

Karl Vella MBE, owner of the Karl Vella Group, said: "I’m delighted with the effort put in by all of the staff who have each embraced required changes.

“In hindsight, we perhaps should have obtained Kitemark approval on a site by site basis. To process all four sites concurrently was difficult and perhaps we should have taken it one site at a time, learning through the process."