turned to technology employed by Twitter and Facebook to develop a new website homepage as part of its ongoing investment.

The new design has been built using the same cutting-edge technology as sites such as Twitter and Facebook and is mobile-led, with more than 40% of visits to now coming from mobile phones (66% including tablets).

A statement issued by the business said that the upgrade reflected its ambitious growth plans, with major new partnerships including RAC Cars, Auto Clubs International and starting to bear fruit.

Dermot Kelleher, director of marketing and business intelligence at, said: “We extensively planned the rejuvenation of our homepage as part of an ongoing innovation in product, service and brand.

“We’ve chosen an animated background featuring our Smart Finger character to welcome users to the site, ensuring our digital product messaging mirrors the brand’s above-the-line creative.

“The strategic positioning of the core search functionality centre-page and above-the-fold closely aligns with our ambition to simplify the vehicle search process.

“With this in mind, the new design serves to de-clutter the homepage and utilise enhanced calls to action to immediately draw the eye, presenting the user with a clear and easy to use search panel across all devices.

Kelleher added: “Ultimately, all of our investments in the brand are focused on helping our dealers to sell more cars, more profitably. And we will achieve this by continuing to put the brand at the forefront of consumer’s minds.”